We operate in various markets, such as environmental dredging, water intake dredging, river, canal and waterway dredging, marina and harbour dredging, hydro dam dredging, water reservoir dredging, mine tailings and industrial lagoon dredging, sand and gravel dredging, mineral mining, coastal restoration, capital dredging and land reclamation.

Environmental friendly dredging means removing polluted sediment layers at a minimal volume enlargement by reducing the necessary transport water to a minimum, at a minimum turbidity. During environmental dredging projects, turbidity presents an extreme challenge. To protect surrounding waters and confine the spread of contamination, environmental dredging techniques aim to achieve a high concentration of dredged sediment with the lowest possible turbidity. The ECTMarine special environmental dredgers as AUGER dredge is designed to remove accurate thin layers so that the least possible quantities of material are dredged.
Thousands of industrial facilities use large volumes of water from lakes, rivers, estuaries or oceans to cool their plants. Water intake stations handling inflows to the plants must keep the processes working. Since water is required for the operation, reliability and stable water flow are essential. Significant sediment deposits can blockage the water intakes. The ECTMarine cutter suction dredger or plain suction dredger are well suited for cleaning of the water intake of industrial power plants, regardless whether the project is in an urban or remote, tropical or frozen location.
The ECTMarine cutter suction dredger is ideal for river, canal and waterways marina maintenance. This type of dredger can excavate all kinds of soil, from sand and gravel to heavily compacted and hard materials such as clay, soft rock and even thin layers of hard rock. The cutter suction dredgers require anchors and winches to make sideways swinging motion. The dredger can be moved forward by a movable spud carrier system. If the river is close by sea with sufficient tide, a water injection dredger (WID) can be considered. A WID has minimal environmental impact, low carbon footprint, high production rate and low cost.
The ECTMarine cutter suction dredger with swing ladder is ideal for marina maintenance. The swing cutterhead ladder is designed to work in narrow channels, marina and small projects.The swing dredger does not require anchors and cables witch prevents damage to yachts and (floating) jetties which is common with cable maneuvering dredgers. The dredger can be moved forward by a movable spud carrier system. Additional the quick dredge swing can be delivered in an environmentally friendly fully electric zero emission dredger. If the marina is close by sea with sufficient tide, a water injection dredger (WID) can be considered. A WID has minimal environmental impact, low carbon footprint, high production rate and low cost.

Hydroelectric dams are structures that use the power of falling or flowing water to generate electricity. Over time, sediment and other materials can accumulate in the reservoir behind the dam, reducing its capacity and affecting its ability to generate electricity. A dredger can be used to remove this accumulated material. ECTMarine's cutter suction dredger or plain suction dredger are well suited for cleaning of the water intake of the hydro plant. Additional the cutter suction dredger can be delivered in an environmentally friendly fully electric zero emission dredger.
Water is arguably the most precious natural resource for our growing population. Because of this, reservoirs are vital components in the process of collecting, storing and protecting this valuable resource. But due to factors like erosion, storm runoff and even deforestation, the accumulation of silt, sand and debris - or sedimentation - can easily clog reservoirs and dams. The ECTMarine cutter suction dredger is ideal for mine tailings dredging if the material is a hard soil type. If the material is free floating a plain suction dredger can be considered.
Mining operations produce large volumes of waste and debris referred as “tailings” that end up at the bottom of containment ponds and lagoons. It is essential to remove sediment in mining ponds to maintain water capacity. The ECTMarine cutter suction dredger is ideal for mine tailing dredging if the material is a hard soil type. If the material is free floating a plain suction dredger can be considered.
Sand mining involves extracting sand and minerals from the seabed by dredging. Sand is the planet’s most mined material. The ECTMarine cutter suction or plain suction dredger are ideal for sand mining. If the material is free floating a plain suction dredger can be considered. The cutter suction dredger is the best solution if it’s a hard soil type of material.

Mineral Dredging involves the extraction of minerals that may have a substantial economic value from underwater deposits. The ECTMarine cutter suction and plain suction dredgers are ideal for sand mining. If the material is free floating a plain suction dredger can be considered. The cutter suction dredger is the best solution if it’s a hard soil type of material.
The ECTMarine cutter suction dredger is an ideal solution for coastal restoration and land reclamation. If the material is free floating a plain suction dredger can be considered. The cutter suction dredger is the best solution if it’s a hard soil type of material.
We can customize where standardization is the norm. Due to our focus and way of engineering, we can offer economical customized solutions to your dredging challenges.
ECTMarine can fabricate dredgers and dredging parts in-house to ensure quality and on time delivery. Fabrication can also be done by the client according to ECTMarine design.
Dredging is our core business. Innovating and development of dredgers and other marine related vessels is our main added value to your business.