In the first half of 2019 we have delivered several cutter heads and excavation components for Cutter Suction Dredgers as well as Trailer Suction Hopper Dredgers. The demand for customized high quality dredge components has risen as customers worldwide are expecting more performance at less cost, even from older and smaller size dredgers. A lot of dredge performance is to be gained by making sure the dredge specific components are updated and of the highest quality, no matter what type or size dredger.

Many of our clients for these kind of dredging components are looking for:

- A part that is designed to fit a newly build dredger with non standard sizes and applications.

- Replacement parts that are more competitive and increase return on investment.

- Replacement parts on their existing dredger which are not available in the market anymore due to the age of the ship.

Most of the dredge specific components that are supplied are non- standard and are customized to fit the equipment and application of the specific situation.

Our products are delivered all over the world, If you have any questions or want to receive a quotation, please contact us.

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