
Dredge component fabrication for Dutch contractor

Dredge components by ECTMarine

Earlier this year ECTMarine has received an order for the fast delivery of land based screening plants as well as a refurbishment request for other used ones. First parts, such as the funnel show on the picture have been finished on time and are being inspected by the customer. The customer is a big contractor based in the Netherlands.

NEW ECTMarine office

Dredging technology Office

ECTMarine has moved to a new office not far from our workshop which is also located in Noordwijk. This move to a new space is part of our continual growth in projects and organisation. Please contact us if you would like to visist us in our office or workshop.

More steelwork

steel fabrication

The welding of another dredge tool has started. From the drawing board into the workshop. This plough will be finished in a few weeks.

Robots in the workshop

This automated welding tool is the latest addition to the ECTM workshop. It enables the crew to work more efficiently and effective. The procurement of these type of tools for our workshop are a strategic move to optimize our production capability and enhance our product quality. keep following us for more information on our workshop.